Important information

Latest information from the Civil Protection and Emergency Management regarding the eruption on Reykjanesskagi

Volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes Peninsula. A new fissure eruption started August 22.nd at 9.26pm on the Reykjanes Peninsula by Sundhnukar, near Grindavik. It followed a powerful earthquake that began about an hour earlier. This is the fifth eruption this year, the sixth in these areas and the seventh magma run of this event. Lava is not flowing towards the town of Grindavík. The greatest power is in the northern part of the eruption, and the activity is much further north than has been seen before.

What We Know:

  • Location of the eruption: Sundhnukar.
  • Air traffic to and from Iceland is operating normally, and Iceland remains a safe destination.
  • The eruption’s effects are localized to the eruption site with road closures and do not threaten people.  
  • All services in Iceland are operating as usual.

The Grindavik town was evacuated and people were not in danger. None of the eruptions for the last months have had an impact on travel to and from Iceland and none of them has caused harm to people.

Flights to and from Iceland operate on schedule, and disruption to flight traffic is considered highly unlikely.

Updated news for travellers can be found here:
Iceland Tourist Board
website and

Iceland is highly prepared 
Iceland is no stranger to volcanic activity and experiences an average volcanic event every five years. Icelandic authorities and the public are highly prepared for such events, and Iceland has one of the world’s most effective volcanic preparedness measures. Iceland’s geoscientists possess vast experience in dealing with volcanic activities.


This map shows the location of Grindavík and the Blue Lagoon on the Reykjanes Peninsula.

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